Nick and Jackson came back from South America and we took them to this crazy Indian place that is right next to another crazy Indian place and the men out front fight over your business. They both have the exact same decor and it's very amusing. They didn't give Nick all of his dinner though, and then they wouldn't knock any bucks off the bill and I got heated and told them we'd be going next door from then on!

This is a dumpster full of pillows! It's like in the cartoons, when someone falls out the window and lands safely on pillows, that can really happen.

Wasn't supposed to take pictures, got into trouble. I sorries.

Near downtown Brooklyn, fun park.

Ian came to visit and we had a great time. He played my guitar and it was beautiful. We ate good food, went to the Natural Hist. Museum, and caught a performance by the NYPHS in a huge old church. Great concert even if the line to get in was three bocks long and we couldn't see much. We also went to a burlesque show and Ian met Moby.This bathroom was very sketchy at the club. Ian loves icecream.

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