Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friday we woke up early and rushed to the tents at Bryant Park to watch the Project Runway season 6 finale. Leanne forget the invitation and was worried we might not get in, and I was like "you won this fucking thing last time, shit" and of course they ushered us to the front where we ran into Jerell and Koto and even our friend Alex. Tom and Lorenzo of Rungay fame were present as were most the cast of last season and earlier seasons as well. It was great to see everybody! Kenley looked very pretty and I talked to her and her fiance for a bit. The funniest thing was running into my friend Courtney from Portland who was working the event.
The show itself only consisted of the three finalists and the first two were not so inspiring in my opinion. The last, however, was phenomenal. Very science fiction, very tough. Hands down the new winner of PR. Afterwards we all went out to brunch at the Roosevelt Hotel as guests of the very lovely Laura of Blogging Project Runway notoriety. Then Leanne and I headed over to the space to clean with Ana, who was amazing throughout this whole process. It's such a rare thing to meet somebody so helpful and accommodating in a new city right away. Leanne had an interview in the newly cleaned space and then we went home and slept for a long time, woke up and ate Indian food, and then slept again.
Yesterday we cleaned the apartment and then headed out to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. Our plan was to catch the exhibit at Barbara Gladstone gallery, but we missed it in the end. The day was clear and not too cold and it was a first for both of us to walk into Manhattan. We poked around a little in Soho and then popped into a diner to get a beer. As we're waiting for it to come, who should appear but my friend Courtney again, who was working there! What are the odds of that? She is rad and we are going to an Oscar party with her tonight.
We were walking around some more, waiting to connect with Jerell, when on a dark street near NYU a man walking in front of us suddenly started smashing car windows with bricks he had in a bag. We ran away. We were scared.
Last night we kicked it with Jerell who is crazy funny, he had us in near tears. We danced at a club for a minute and got home at 3am which is a first for us in our new city. I was proud.
Friday, February 20, 2009
the big day

Oh my, where to start. So last night was the big show and it went really, really well. The initial press is great and Leanne is very happy and will, I'm sure, want to bloggy about it so I won't steal her thunder. I can only tell you about the events as I saw them through my own two eyes, red and puffy from lack of sleep. The whole day was spent getting last minute details in order; finding last minute model replacements, ordering wine, buying table clothes, cups, an upright steamer, picking up the vinyls signs, etc. John V. met me and helped with everything. We set up the sound and the pedestals and Nathan W. ran the whole makeup/hair department very well. In no time at all it was 6:30 and we had a half-hour to wrap everything up, which didn't quite happen. I went outside to see how the crowd was coming along and there were maybe fifty people waiting patiently to get inside. It was very cold last night and I hated not opening right at seven, but I wasn't really designated as "the man in charge" although I started taking on those responsibilities as time drew nearer to opening. I would have been fine kicking asses too, you guys know my dadittude loves to surface whenever possible. So most people were great, but one girl, who I won't name, was not. She was very rude and condescending and was pissed off even before 7:00 came around that she wasn't inside, but I was pretty nice to her and told her it was out of my hands.
We opened at maybe 15 after and people seemed immediately impressed with her clothing. My music was playing in the background and I heard some nice comments about that as well. Twice it was accidentally turned off by people rummaging for their bags and knocking the hidden receiver behind the curtain. My fault for putting it there.
It's so nice to have it done with and it was also very fun to experience. Next time will be so very, very different. This was all very hurried and we're both excited to spend months instead of weeks on the next project. I'm especially excited for Leanne, as to date she's not presented anything that she's not been rushed to complete. She will blow people's socks off, I know it!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Care Bears

Today we received a care package from Auggie! In it were CDs, comic books, other books, a buddha machine, the roast DVD and clothes! I actually didn't have a shirt on when it arrived so it was perfect timing. Needless to say, we were ecstatic about our presents and it made us miss Auggie even more. If you want us to miss you, you have to send us presents, moral of the story.
In other news, I have a music video on my site now made by one Thomas Struass, and it's very good. If you like it, you should send him a note letting him know.
I promise to upload a new song by the end of the day on myspace, so check for it.
Friday, February 13, 2009

I finished the first song for Leanne's show and the second is nearly half way there. You can hear it at as if you didn't already know. Leanne got this little, itty bitty laptop for free and I love using it. All she has to do is take a picture with it! I want to be famous. I saw the Zs play last night at Zebulon and they were amazing. I was expecting a good show but was still blown away. Tonight is High Places, but guess what, it's sold out. I'm beginning to understand the importance of advanced ticket purchasing in NY. I love the old elements that some buildings still maintain after all these years. Mood has a lift operator and Macy's has wooden escalators. We went to a party and met some celebs but I'm not allowed to talk about it. I will say that the view was beautiful and we had a great time. Less than a week now until the show. We received the pedestals in the mail today and they were not what we were hoping for. I'm going to have to get some wood cut, do some puttying, sanding and painting. Not cool.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Final Count Down
Well, we're sick. Or at least I'm sick and Leanne is pretending to be sick so that I won't feel so bad. My left eye is crying and snot just drips from my nose uncontrollably, which is super sexy I think. Ten days until the fashion show and we both still have a lot to do, although we are making progress. I hope to finish the first ten-minute piece today and will maybe start the second. My plan is to have three ten-minute pieces that will loop over a two-hour period. Later, I will cut these down to maybe four minute pieces and then release them with the other versions as an e.p. or single, whatever. It's great to be making music again, as well as challenging, rewarding, all of that. I didn't go to Final Fantasy because I'm sick, but he's playing again at the end of the month with Grizzly Bear, who I like. Next week is High Places! Leanne has inters, finally, and I'm hoping they kick ass and help her get this shit finished. I'm a little nervous for her, but very confident that it will rule. John has helped remind us what look we were going for in our original ideas for the show and for that I'm very grateful. He's made some excellent observations and has put some time into planning this that is very much appreciated.
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Loop
Today I finally got around to updating my resume, which is never fun but always instils a certain sense of pride once completed. I applied for a few positions that I'm hopeful about and then went for a run. I love Prospect Park and have been running there for three days now. Already I'm memorizing the terrain and am learning to save some energy for the final push up the hill. The loop is three and a half miles! I didn't know I could run that far. Run fat boy, run. I saw Loney, Dear play at Union Hall on Saturday and thought about the good old days, dancing in Nicole and Casey's living room to the song I am John. Music making is finally happening now that I have my stuff set up, and I'm liking what I'm writing. I'm trying to provide at least a half hour of music that will loop at Leanne's fashion show. I'm not sure if afterwards it will be an EP or just some background music for a special event. Here's hoping for the former. I'm still waiting on Nick and Jackson to write something, anything, to the Lake Pants songs I started. Get on it or I'll lazzzer your ass to your face!
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