The commute home.

Ah the glorious life of the curator.

I'm pretty sure one of these is Woody Allen's house, no really!

Making money in New York is easy.

These were the worst fries I've ever had, hands down.

It's the boobies part of your foot. No word yet on the location of the cock and balls portion.
Auggie and Nicole will be here in two weeks, a little less actually, and I'm super excited to show them around and get really drunk. I'm actually going to be in Portland at the end of August, so stay tuned for exact days and locations. Probably stay with Nick and Jackson for a bit, but Brian T Smith will also be living there by then as well. He's landed a dream job covering the blazers for a Vancouver paper and beat out people from all over the US for it, including
writers from Chicago Tribune if I'm not mistaken. Give him a call and buy him a beer now, before his season tickets go to someone else.
I have two shows coming up, my first in NY and therefore my first in almost seven months. I'm excited and nervous, and very happy that Nicole and
Auggie will get to see one of them. Work's going well, can't really talk about it, but I love my job. We just had the Dead Weather (Jack White's new band) play downstairs in the bar and I think have
finally recovered from the many days of
preparation. Kids were actually camping out the night before to get in (pictures to come). If you want to see what's happening at my job, pop on over to envoy.typepad.com
Leanne's out of town this weekend visiting her parents so I've been eating home cooked pizza and drinking
pabst for a few days. I did manage to shave myself the other day, which I'm proud of. I will now go to all of your blogs and see what you are doing. Miss your faces!